About us

Our mission is to inspire you to rediscover your unlimited potential. Too often we give up on ourselves. We go into agreement with our own negative chatter about ourselves and what we think others might be saying about us. We don't think we are worthy. don't deserve success, or look at success as something other people achieve.

Since our own revelations about our unlimited potential in 2006, we've been working through Beautiful Summer Morning to bring you inspiration, practical exercises, and suggestions to help you overcome your limited beliefs and live that magical life you have always dreamed of.

The place to start is with mindset. As long as we allow the natterings of our negative mind to influence our thoughts and actions your personal and spiritual growth is thwarted.

Nick, the founder of Beautiful Summer Morning has brought together his years of coaching in the corporate world along with his deep study into how to create and maintain a positive mindset, to give you the tools to use in your own personal journey of inner transformation.

He is a published writer, coach, speaker, and workshop leader, and facilitator. He is the co-founder of Prosperity Sprouts.

Our mission

Our address

457 Averil Cres, London On. Canada N6C 2R8


Editor-in-Chief: Nick Grimshawe

Technical Editor, Semi

Design: Faisal Chaudhry

Head of Social Media: Nick Grimshawe

Follow us on social media

Our Facebook Page Be-Inspired Enthusiasts ( We post inspiration every day.)


Learn more about positive affirmations: What they are and how to use them. Get your Free copy of How to Write and Use Powerful I AM Affirmations